Kirstie O'Connell

Software Developer/Engineer/Student

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Projects in JAVA


Midterm project in Java to keep score for a bowling game.

This console program uses a few arrays and a lot of structure control programming. Prompts ask the user to input scores for a 10 frame game of bowling. The scores are recorded and calculated to produce a display scoreboard to the players. All of this is done in a console program and also uses functions for reuse of code.


Final project in Java to create a Battleship game.

This game was created to run a game in console for Battleship using object oriented programming in Java. There were several requirementsfor this project. We were only allowed to use a driver program named Battleship and two classes named ActionGame and Gameboard. This game prompts the player to input coordinates to a grid layout and try to hit the ships on the gameboard that were automatically generated. It will tell you if there is a hit or miss and keep track of your hits and misses and total number of missiles left. The player has a choice of three gameboard sizes that each have a different amount of missles to hit five different sized ships. The hits are kept track of and displayed on the gameboard during play.

Tic Tac Toe

JavaFX project to create a GUI Tic Tac Toe game.

This game is played in a graphical user interface. The player places an 'X' or an 'O' in a square by clicking a mouse. This was made by following along with a video the instructor chose for exposer to how JavaFX works.